Curriculum Overview

Academic excellence through our curriculum

At Ormiston Latimer we offer a curriculum that is as broad and balanced as is possible and one that provides an element of choice underpinned by a strong core. This enables us to prepare learners for a return to mainstream without compromising on potential outcomes for those who complete their examinations here. 

Our curriculum has also been developed to best prepare our learners for entry into employment, education or training whether that be at the end of Yr. 11 or in the future. The range of accreditation from Unit Awards, Entry Level Certificates and Functional Skills to BTECs and GCSEs ensure that we can cater for all of our learners.  


Our Intent is to offer a broad curriculum that provides an element of choice underpinned by a strong core. This enables us to prepare learners for a return to mainstream without compromising on potential outcomes for those who complete their examinations here at Ormiston Latimer Academy. We aim to provide an offer that allows all learners to experience a breadth of subjects, which are delivered through tailored approaches and which develop pro-social behaviours. Our intent is to allow learners to achieve formal qualifications at Key Stage 4 and be fully prepared for their post 16 destinations.

Our enrichment offer allows learners to enjoy, achieve and participate in activities that will aid their emotional and mental wellbeing as well as develop their cultural capital outside the core and options offer. A structured and extended session delivered at the end of the day also provides opportunities for whole school literacy, numeracy, SMSC and pastoral intervention time. Some learners who arrive late to the academy benefit from less academic GCSE pressure but still require the opportunity to achieve success with a range of qualifications that will support them post 16.

Our intent therefore is to offer a broad range of qualifications for 2023-24: which includes GCSE equivalent and others that still produce certification, but better meet the individual needs of the learner. Our curriculum is personalised to learner need and identifies gaps in previous learning whilst reinforcing behaviour for learning through ALL subjects. We offer a mixture of traditional GCSE subjects and a vocational option that allows learners the chance to gain qualifications in subjects that they are engaged in.

At Key Stage 3, our intent is to provide a curriculum that identifies gaps in previous learning, reinforces behaviour for learning through core subjects and uses a broad curriculum to engage children in subjects that are delivered in an accessible way. Our aim is to reintegrate learners in both Key Stages, where it is possible and appropriate. Our Key Stage 3 and 4-curriculum core offer is reflective of the curriculum taught in the majority of RBKC Schools, so that when our learners are reintegrated, they are not totally disadvantaged by being educated out of a mainstream setting for a period. This is also but also in line with our high expectations and to allow more opportunities at posit 16 transition.

In both Key Stage 3 and 4, Careers education remains a key feature additionally Yr 11s are allocated an Academic Mentor where post 16 options are discussed and learners partake in a range of activities as delivered by partner agencies.


Our curriculum implementations is predicated on the induction periods where academic potential is assessed via the completion of Cognitive Ability test (CATS) and York Assessment for reading Comprehension (YARC), which is used to establish reading ability on entry. A Progress testing assessment in Math’s (PPM) is completed) as well as a Progress Tool for Speech & Language which is used to assess Spoken language and verbal reasoning, understanding and using vocabulary, sentence structure and narrative and, social interaction.

If learners score low, they will be referred for Speech and Language and Communication Needs assessment (SPLCNA). Learners will also complete a Pupil Attitude to School and Self (PASS) assessment. This data is then used to identify any barriers to learning or specific needs that they have, so planned intervention and support can be put in place, ensuring that every learner is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. In all classes differentiated learning activities are used to stretch and challenge the “Most Able Learners” (MAL) whist further scaffolding lesson content to support learners who need it.

Assessment and feedback is frequent and provided specific “next steps” so learners are fully aware of what they need to do improve. Inclusion and SEN in the curriculum is planned carefully and specifically to match learners’ needs. Additional specialist advice may be sought eg Speech and Language, when appropriate and, when necessary, technology and/or interventions with identified teachers and LSPs will be used to support the learner Our curriculum is palpable in every part of the school day, during both structured and unstructured times. The day begins in the same way for all groups which includes breakfast and soft landings. This allows all learners to be ready to engage in the formal curriculum and provides opportunities for staff to have conversations, address concerns and prepare learners for the day ahead.

The implementation of the curriculum for each group is available in the table provided. It shows our specialist approach using a mixture of formal lessons and unstructured opportunities to ensure all learners can achieve success.


The anticipated impact of our curriculum is evidenced through our academic achievement and the
improvement in soft skills that our learners develop. This can be seen in a range of ways, such as through behavioural patterns and changes, PASS surveys, reintegration and Post 16 destinations. We measure impact through core subject progress 3 times a year by benchmarking learners against the national picture through use of GL assessments at Key Stage 3, and past GCSE papers at Key Stage 4. Subject teachers regularly formatively monitor engagement, progress and gaps in learning through internal data system including Pupil Asset and qualitative pastoral reviews and use this to plan for learners’ next steps


Many of our learners have been unable to experience success within a mainstream model. Learners often arrive in crisis and require a mixture of academic and pastoral support alongside the curriculum we deliver. Many present with needs that are unable to be met by school staff and require specialist support. Due to significant barriers faced such as poor attendance, SEND needs and entrenched poor behaviours for learning our approach to Personal Development focuses on engaging all learners in education whether through internal or external means to provide them with lifelong skills.


The teaching and pastoral teams play a huge part in the nurture, health and wellbeing of our learners. We are dedicated to supporting our learners and their families through in school support and working closely with outside agencies. All learners receive 2 periods of PSHE aimed at ensuring all participants are equipped with the skills and knowledge to be successful in the wider world and to keep themselves safe.

Over the course of the year we have lessons planned that relate to relevant issues that learners may encounter in their everyday lives, these include relationship and health education, knife crime and youth violence and delivered by a dedicated teacher who will also utilize community partners. Subject specific staff will participate in the delivery of, ”Drop down” days spread throughout the academic year, and used to focus on a variety of topics.

Votes for school topics address the SMSC requirements and are delivered by Learning Guides as well as weekly reflection sessions. The Learning Support Professionals (LSPS) deliver a dedicated pastoral and social skill development programme addressing topics during a fixed weekly period further augmented through the delivery of 1:1 interventions. Our vision is to ensure that all learners re-engage in education, learning through a broad balanced and highly engaging curriculum by staff who are trained to work with SEMH learners.


Impact is measured through learner attitudes to school (data collected via survey) as well as behaviour and Attendance progress against achievement data recorded during structured and unstructured time. Other factors considered includes a reduction in exclusions. Reintegration rates for our learners are good, with a number of our learners returning to mainstream schools.