Exam Info / Options

Examinations and revision 

At Ormiston Latimer we are acutely aware of the anxieties arise across the whole school during times of public examinations.  It is a stressful time for Year 11 learners and their families as much as it is for KS3 learners who are often feel displaced due to the lesser focus than norm.  Our aim is to intervene early to support learners and families to make each year rewarding and successful. 

Interventions begin early and exam practice begins long before mock exams are sat.  We recognise the value and importance of each qualification gained for our learners and working together, we ensure that our learners fully achieve what they are capable of and at the very least are able to work towards or exceed predicted grades. Working together, we can ensure that our students achieve excellence.   

If at any point in the year you have concerns or queries, please contact your learning guide or academic mentor who can help.  The sooner we know about a potential issue, the sooner we can work with you to sort it, so please do keep in touch with us about any concern, no matter how small. 

We wish you and your child a successful year and look forward to celebrating the end of their time with us at the Leavers Assembly, their GCSE results on results day.