School Day


The school day begins with a soft landing for learners. School is open from 9:00am with Registration periods commencing from 9:15. First lessons start at 9:30am. The school day finishes at 2:55pm as agreed with the parents and the local authority to avoid large masses of learners from local schools all finishing at the same time.   

9:30am: Learners will then have two lessons then a break, two lessons and then lunch and two lesson in the afternoon. An additional Period 7 has allowed for the overlay of a Pastoral Curriculum delivered across the week which sees the introduction of a whole school and key stage assemblies, increased capacity for catch up sessions, pastoral interventions, whole school reading periods to support literacy and oracy aspirations and delivery of PSHE/SMSC activities.  The continued development of pastoral staff has also now enabled us to be in a position to deliver aspects of the Princes Trust curriculum and a thematic pastoral activity programme to cohorts of learners.  

Learners are taught in small group settings with individual support offered through the intervention’s timetables. 

We have also added enrichment into the timetable on a Friday afternoons to allow learners to participate, enjoy and achieve in activities that will aid their emotional and mental wellbeing as well as develop their cultural capital outside the core and options offer. This will include a girls group, film club, spoken word and creative writing workshops, art and craft activities, museums and theater visits as well as other workshops and sporting sessions organised with external agencies. We have also used this time to deliver interventions. This has included catch up in English, Science and Mathematics.


8:30 – 9:15am         Breakfast Club  

9:15 – 9:30am         Tutor Groups 

9:30 – 10:05am        Period 1 

10:05 -10:50am       Period 2 

10:50 – 11:05am      Break 

11:05 – 11:50am      Period 3 

11:50 – 12:25pm      Period 4 

12:25 – 1:05pm        Lunch 

1:05 – 1:50pm         Period 5 (Fri: Enrichment) 

1:50 – 2:25pm         Period 6 (Fri: Enrichment) 

2:25 – 2:50pm         Period 7 – Votes for Schools Activities 

                                                      Whole School Reading 

                                                      Whole School Numeracy 

Intervention and lost learning catch up sessions may take place after school

Student Core Learning Hours: Incl. structured breaks and lunch periods

Mon:   9:15-2:50         

Tues:  9:15-2:50         

Wed:   9:15-2:50         

Thurs: 9:15-12:45       

Fri:      9:15-2:50        

Total time:  25:35 hours p/week