Mathematics can help us better understand and describe the world around us. We believe mathematical intelligence is expandable, and that every child can learn mathematics, given the appropriate learning experiences within and beyond the classroom.
We aim to baseline every learner to better support them. Our planning allows us enough flexibility to fill the gaps in knowledge of some learners whilst stretching the ones who know more. This involves, with the challenge of working with learners at different starting points, working at very different levels.
We also aim to develop ‘higher-order skills’ such as numeracy, the ability to think logically and quantitatively, to handle data and to analyse and solve problems. Our curriculum is designed to give a good mathematical education and to help develop these higher-order skills.
Learners will continue to develop the previous topics and progress to the KS4 curriculum at GCSE level which will be offered at either Foundation or Higher Tier. Learners who are not able to access the GCSE curriculum will take Entry Level Certificates or Functional Skills tests at either Entry Level or Level 1.
Functional Skills or the ability to use maths in real-life context are also embedded in the national curriculum both at KS3 and GCSE Level.
Units of work will be assessed by the subject teacher in short tests at the end of every topic, using the learning outcomes and objectives which were discussed and checking what they have learnt and how well they understood it.
Work will be marked with diagnostic comments and next steps and learners will have the chance to respond to marking on a regular basis.
Using past and specimen exam assessment materials, summative assessment will happen throughout key points in the year.
Our learners should develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts . They should also acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems, and they should reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions. Finally, our learners should comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.
All learners are expected to leave with GCSE passes in Mathematics and/or other accreditation. As well as having the knowledge base to allow some learners to progress to level 3 courses post-16, would like them to understand there is a purpose to Maths beyond the classroom: the importance of mathematics is evident in our personal lives when calculating the number of tins of paint needed when decorating, managing expenses and savings, organising and planning a journey and estimating a bill when out for a meal. Furthermore, I would like them to appreciate the beauty in mathematics, how everything fits and work into place.
The value of inclusion to allow all learners to develop numerical ability as well as to push learners to achieve high grades even in the context of a disrupted educational context.
Most of our learners have had mixed experiences with the subject in the past; by simplifying the curriculum and making it more accessible learners will discover the joy of learning Mathematics again in a smaller, nurturing and safe environment, where all questions are allowed and progress is closely monitored. Even the qualifications they can access can vary based in the progress they make. At the same time, more able students will have the opportunity to make rapid progress by tailoring specific activities for them.
In problem solving questions I introduce British Values and the rules of law especially in the Functional Skills parts of it. We discuss how data may be used to make informed policy decisions to include demographics, arts, sports and culture.
Make sure these pupils aren’t ‘shut out’ of pursuing subjects they wish to study because of too sharp a focus on exam results.
By offering a variety of qualifications at the end of KS4 we will make sure they can have access to further education, always opening the possibility to higher ones by presenting different career choices including further higher education.