Pupil Premium

Information about how Ormiston Latimer supports learners who may be disadvantaged through use of the Pupil Premium 

Pupil Premium is a government initiative for the allocation of funding for schools and academies. This funding is targeted specifically to assist in the education of students who are eligible for free school meals. It is an important scheme that supports the education and development of students who may come from lower income families.  However, although targeted at specific group are use of the Pupil Premium is developed to support and enhance the learning experience of all learners.   Our pursuit of equality of experience, enrichment opportunities and exam outcomes for all is at the heart of our academy.   This includes access to an age-related curriculum that could support reintegration back into the mainstream.  Therefore, Pupil Premium funding is used in order to close the gap, inspire, raise aspiration and self-belief and improve young people’s life chances.      

For this we use a range of approaches from providing a free breakfast club, school uniforms, reading recovery tools, Social and emotional assessment, engagement with statutory and voluntary partners and the development of an enrichment offer considered alongside the development of cultural capital. 

Please review the document in the link which outlines our strategy in detail the intended outcomes, difficulties, planned activities. and final outcomes for some of the most disadvantaged learners in the borough. 

The Pupil Premium strategy and statement for 2023/24 can be found by following the link below.