Ormiston Latimer Academy offers an expert outreach function to partner schools in Kensington and Chelsea. The aim of the Outreach team is to support teams with early intervention in order to achieve the best outcomes for learners and to facilitate inclusion in their mainstream setting.
The Primary Outreach Team is well established and highly regarded. It is made up of well-qualified, experienced teachers and highly skilled learning support professionals. The Team offers advice, guidance and interventions for schools in behaviour for learning and aspects of social, emotional and mental health. The Team aims to work in partnership with learners, teachers, school staffs, parents/carers and other professionals, to support inclusion and improve outcomes for learners.
The team uses the Behaviour for Learning conceptual framework and an integrated approach to help teachers and school staffs to increase their understanding of the behaviour, clarify their concerns and plan for change. Their work is informed by developmental trauma, nurture and attachment aware approaches and promotes positive behaviour management strategies and support for emotional wellbeing.
Request for intervention |
Allocation and initial meeting The referral is allocated to a member of the team who then arranges a meeting with the class teacher and SENDCo/member of SLT. |
Information gathering and assessment Feedback will be given to the class teacher following observations along with a summary (and recommendations for level 1 interventions) |
Joint intervention planning (Outreach and the referring school) For referrals at level 2 and 3. |
Implementation and monitoring of the intervention plan for 6-8 weeks For referrals at level 2 and 3. |
Joint review and evaluation |
Referrals to the Outreach Team:
Following an initial meeting and observations, the Outreach teacher will decide whether the input will be at level 1, 2 or 3.
Level 1 intervention:
Information gathering (observations), feedback and recommendations
Level 2 intervention:
Information gathering (observations), feedback, joint intervention planning, monitoring and review
Level 3 intervention:
Information gathering (observations), feedback, joint intervention planning, implementation support or direct work with the individual learner/whole class, support staff, monitoring and review.
In addition, the Team aim to offer some additional support at the ‘early intervention’ stage
These are bookable slots on given dates and are informal opportunities for teachers to talk about concerns around individual or class behaviour and to discuss possible strategies.
These are informal opportunities to talk about strategies relating to behaviours for learning, responding to behaviour, de-escalation or playtime issues.
These are structured meetings for class teachers and/or SENDCos to clarify and prioritise concerns, identify further information to collect and discuss possible strategies with regards to individuals or whole classes.
This consists of an initial meeting, 1-2 playground observations, feedback, joint formulation of an action plan, a meeting to review progress and discuss possible next steps.
This may involve structured, time-limited support for TAs, LSAs or SENTAs new to role; setting up and running skills teaching groups; strategies to support crisis situations.
‘(The Primary Outreach Team) provided excellent support, advice, communication and a very well-tailored service. I would recommend (Primary Outreach) to any teacher feeling behavioural/social issues in class.’ (RBKC School)
‘I found discussing a variety of behaviour strategies with someone incredibly valuable and being able to evaluate the usefulness of them. Having someone who was able to observe and advise but then scrutinise what worked well and what could be changed was massively helpful.’ Year 4 class teacher (RBKC School)
‘Thank you for supporting with the challenging behaviour in this class. It was really helpful to have the opportunity to discuss effective strategies and receive feedback on teaching for behaviour.’ Year 5 class teacher (WCC school)
‘(Primary Outreach) were clear, knowledgeable and professional during their session with the pupil and communication with me.’ Year 3 class teacher (WCC school)
“A fantastic intervention for our year 3 class which we have been able to implement and also use some of the supportive strategies with other classes and children. Extremely well organised and great communication.”
“The support we have received this year from the Primary Outreach Team has been invaluable. Staff have been given helpful advice and practical strategies to implement. What has had the greatest impact is the regular check in meetings with a member of the Team. They are incredibly insightful, helpful and always supportive. These regular meetings have empowered staff to reflect on what is working well and amend strategies where appropriate to ensure the focus child is supported in the best way possible to make progress.” (SENDCo from a RBKC school)
“Extremely helpful information about behaviour and strategies to support their behaviour. Thank you so much.” Class teacher (H&F school)
“Really helpful in understanding the reasons behind behaviour in the class and strategies to employ has given me a good understanding of individual and class needs”. Class teacher (H&F school)
“Very knowledgeable and supportive with strategies”. (WCC school)
“A fantastic intervention for our year 3 class which we have been able to implement and also use some of the supportive strategies with other classes and children. Extremely well organised and great communication.” Class teacher (WCC school)
Before referring to the Outreach team, the school will have shared their concerns and will also have tried a range of strategies to support your child. If you have any questions about the Team and how we work we are always happy to meet with you in school.
Once you have agreed to the referral and the Outreach Team has received it, one of our staff will come into school (classroom and/or playground) to see what is happening and how your child is managing the demands of school. They may also meet with your child to find out how they think things are going for them in school.
A plan will then be made with the teacher and SENDCo to decide what can be done to best support your child. You are welcome to see and discuss the plan with the SENDCo or the member of the Outreach Team.
We may then work with the teacher or support staff and in addition, we may work directly with your child. This may be to teach some specific skills or to monitor how they think things are changing.
After six to eight weeks we will review how well the plan is working with the class teacher. We may then agree to make some changes to the plan, or agree that there has been enough progress and that our involvement is no longer required. The school will keep you informed of this decision.
Ormiston Beachcroft Academy
35 Finchley Road
London, NW8 0NW
Tele: 020 7483 4434
For enquiries regarding the Primary Outreach Team contact:
Debbie Celestine-Charles (Lead Teacher) – [email protected]
Team Leader
Introduction and Aims
Ormiston Secondary Outreach offer in school support for learners whose behaviour is causing concern, who may be at risk of exclusion or where there may be concerns about learners’ SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health) and its impact on behaviour.
Each intervention is led by an experienced, specialist teacher (behaviour and SEMH) and is developed around the needs of each learner with the aim to support their inclusion within the current setting.
Schools can refer individual or small groups of learners from NC years 7 to 11.
The focus of the support is early intervention, although referrals at crisis point are also accepted.
The intervention will be implemented for 6-8 weeks and will then reviewed.
Each referral should have a nominated contact person from the school who will:
– attend an Initial meeting
– provide relevant background information and data
– schedule an in class observation/s
– provide regular behaviour updates (from data collected by the school)
– liaise regarding identified strategies to support learning needs
– have responsibility to keep the outreach team informed of any managed moves and exclusions
– attend monitoring and review meetings
Request for intervention |
Initial meeting A meeting is held with the nominated staff member from the referring school |
Information gathering and assessment Information gathering (learner self-assessment, in class observations, school data and relevant school files) |
Intervention planning An intervention plan is produced and disseminated to the nominated staff member from the referring school |
Implementation and monitoring of the intervention plan for 6-8 weeks 1:1 sessions with the learner/small group sessions 6-8 weeks |
Review and evaluation |
“(Secondary Outreach Team) has incredibly helped me overcome my anxieties and stresses and insecurities and every time I have a session with her I come out happier and in a way better mood. I also overcame my self-harm and suicidal thoughts.” A year 11 learner in an H&F Secondary School
“The sessions have helped me develop as a character” “Having Secondary Outreach support gave me a positive push.” A learner in an H&F Secondary School
“(Secondary Outreach Team) was very approachable, enthusiastic, and I know for a fact that the pupil really enjoyed the sessions.” “(The learner) loved the sessions and you were fantastic to work with.” Head of Year H&F Secondary School
“There has been a marked and measured improvement in the attitude and attendance of all the students involved.
The amount of behaviour points received has dropped significantly and one particular student who was on the brink of permanent exclusion has completely changed her path and in fact, has built trust back enough that staff have taken her on a residential trip.
(Secondary Outreach’s) impact has been so marked that she and I have been working together and planned for her intervention to begin earlier on the educational/behaviour journey- an earlier intervention for targeted students.
I would recommend (Secondary Outreach’s) mentoring sessions without reservation to 11-19 education providers.” Assistant Head and Head of KS4 from an H&F secondary school.
Before referring to the Outreach team, the school will have shared their concerns and will also have tried a range of strategies to support your child. If you have any questions about the Team and how we work we are always happy to meet with you in school.
Once you have agreed to the referral and the Outreach Team has received it, one of our staff will come into school to find out more about what is happening and how your child is managing the demands of school. This will include meeting with your child to find out how they think things are going for them in school.
A plan will then be developed around your child’s needs and will aim to identify what can be done to best support them. You are welcome to see and discuss the plan with the SENDCo or the member of the Outreach Team.
We will then work directly with your child. This may be to teach some specific skills, focus on a key area/s or to monitor how they think things are changing.
After six to eight weeks we will review how well the plan is working. We may then agree to make some changes to the plan, or agree that there has been enough progress and that our involvement is no longer required. The school will keep you informed of this decision.
The Outreach Team work peripatetically and is based at:
Ormiston Latimer Academy
194 Freston Road
London, W10 6TT
Tele: 020 3108 0358
For enquiries regarding the secondary outreach contact: Natalie Wright