Reading Support

Reading Support / Library

Pupils do not read enough, consequently they do not read widely. Pupils do not have access to quality texts that interest them. While most pupils can read accurately, they do not always read with understanding. Leaders should ensure that pupils gain secure comprehension skills and read for pleasure. 

Inspection report: 9–10 November 2021

All students are assessed on entry to the academy and their reading and spelling ages considered. Some students may be allocated additional support time and take part in reading support sessions.   All learners will take part in weekly whole school reading activities

Improving literacy across the curriculum is vital to student academic improvement. It is recognised that literacy skills are required both in general and subject specific for students to access and develop in all curriculum areas. Reading strategies should be used in all areas and can be utilised in order to support recall, prediction and comprehension.

Our strategy includes CPD for staff around using new reading, writing, and spelling programmes such as LEXONIC LEAP and FLEX Programmes. These reading recovery programmes support learners in developing reading fluency, spelling, general vocabulary, and an increase in confidence.  

Lexonic LEAP/FLEX: Reading assessments will indicate that students will make rapid and sustained progress in reading age. Bespoke Literacy assessments will be utilised to chart developments in written ability.

One of the two recommendations from our Ofsted Report in November of 2021 was to support learners’ love of reading.   Inspectors found that learners do not read widely enough.  With this in mind the principal submitted a bid for a grant to the Foyles Foundation and was lucky enough to have his bid accepted. 

With the support of the academy trust Ormiston Latimer have worked towards the development and furnishing of a library space in the school for the learners.  This is a dedicated, smartly furnished and booked stocked space where learners can go to spend quiet time as individuals as part of a group.  We have supplied books to develop a love of reading, support reading and learning skills.

We believe this is a well-intentioned initiative as Reading not only enhances language and comprehension skills but also expands knowledge, sparks imagination, and fosters a lifelong love for learning. By providing books on various topics and subjects, we offer learners the opportunity to explore their interests and broaden their horizons. 

To ensure the library effectively promotes reading and learning we have ordered books on a diverse range of topics, including books that cover a wide range of subjects, such as science, history, literature, biographies, art, and more. This variety will cater to different interests and encourage exploration. 

We have been sure to order age-appropriate material suitable for the intended age groups, ensuring the content and language complexity align with their developmental stage. This will help engage readers at their level and gradually challenge them as they progress. 

We have purchased engaging and interactive books that incorporate interactive elements like puzzles and engaging illustrations. Such features can enhance the reading experience and make it more enjoyable for learners. 

We have ordered a range of fiction and non-fiction that allows readers to delve into imaginative worlds, while non-fiction presents factual information and expands knowledge on real-world topics. 

We have ordered reading levels and progression books at different reading levels to accommodate learners with varying abilities. learners can gradually increase the difficulty level to challenge and improve their reading skills over time. 

To enhance the collection, we will be aiming to:  

Introduce learners to book series or collections by authors or on specific subjects. This encourages continuity and keeps readers engaged, as they can follow characters or explore in-depth knowledge in a particular area. 

Include books that showcase both local and global perspectives. This helps learners develop a broader understanding of different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. 

Develop reading promotion activities: enhancing those in effect such a whole school reading, develop book clubs, reading challenges, author visits, or book-related events to further engage learners and foster a sense of community around reading.  

We also aim to develop our own reading support materials like bookmarks!