

The construction industry is currently facing a shortage of qualified and skilled tradespeople, employees, workers. Now is an excellent time to develop the knowledge and skills to access apprenticeship, employment or further education. The curriculum intent is to promote the construction industry to the learners at OLA, enabling the learners to identify careers and training for post-16 pathways. 


  • Learners will understand the environmental impact and sustainability within construction. ​
  • Learners will develop an understanding of the ‘‘Health & safety at Work Act 1974’’ & ‘Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2007’’​
  • Learners will understand the importance of safe working practices and associated hazards.​
  • Learners will develop the skills to ‘’Being Organised’’ UnitA1 (Core) and a ‘Personal Development plan’ Unit A2(Core)​
  • Learners will learn underpinning knowledge and practical skills to handle and use tools and equipment correctly. ​
  • Learners will decorate an inside wall.​
  • Learners will develop and be assessed on ‘’Working as a team to Move and handle Resources’’. ​
  • Learners will ‘Draw a Plan of a Room’. Unit CON5(optional). ​


  • Learners will be supported by the ‘Construction Youth Trust’ school partnership catalogue. ​
  • Learners will be supported by ‘RBKC’ & ‘Morgan Sindall Property Services’ with enterprise learning. ​
  • Learners will be developed and supported by the ‘Start’ online platform. ​
  • Learners to attend ‘Open Doors’ (site visit) and iconic buildings in London.​
  • Learners will prepare CV and personal development plan for post-16 applications.​
  • Learners will be supported with college applications and interviews. ​


  • Work towards BTEC level one certification.​
  • The programme is design for the 14-19 cohort, a variety of units are available for delivery that can be tailor to meet learners’ aspirations/requirements.​
  • Provide a safe learning environment that develops underpinning knowledge, practical skills and safe working practices.​
  • Construction BTEC, the units of work will be assessed by both an internal and external assessor, to ensure quality of marking and the awarding body standards and specification. ​
  • Measuring learning will take place using end test, verbal feedback and directed questioning. Learner & tutor evaluation and feedback is completed at the end of each units.​
  • Promote and develop employable skills i.e., adaptability, follow instructions, positive communications, teamwork, independent working, initiative, motivation, patience, reliability, positive work ethic.​
  • Late starters in year eleven can achieve a level one award, learners who started the programme in year ten; target is to achieve the level one certificate.​


  • Collaborate with the CYT to provide and deliver an NOCN accredited level 1 ‘’Health & Safety’’ online programme. ​
  • Work with other stakeholders i.e., Construction Youth Trust (CYT), Morgan Sindall Property Services, RBKC to enrich curriculum offer and meet Gatsby Benchmarks. ​
  • Morgan Sindall Property Services Ltd to provide workshop activity and resources. ​
  • Provide a blended learning curriculum offer (outreach/distance learning).​
  • A variety of resources enables the tutor to differentiated work on, ensuring that all learners are been stretched to maximises they full potential. ​
  • Differentiate learners needs and support via information from learner induction, structured conversations, SIMS, EHCP’s.​

Links with SMSC, English, Math and Science​

  • Develop respect for others and promote British Values, highlighting diversity within the construction industry. ​
  • Recognise Acts and regulations in the workplace. ​
  • Develop numeracy i.e. metric measurements, areas, ratios, budgeting, estimating.​
  • Develop literacy i.e. speaking and listening, textbook structure/written work. ​
  • Provide advice and guidance regarding professional/technical careers and skilled craft (trade) careers (CIAG).​
  • Develop positive attitudes and behaviours to enable post-16 success (Start – Online program).​
  • Learning construction vocabulary,  and meanings.​
  • Promote attendance and punctuality.