
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Ormiston Latimer Academy

We are very proud to welcome you to Ormiston Latimer Academy. We are a provision located in The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and are commissioned to provide education for learners that are at risk of exclusion or are excluded from school. We also cater for those without a school place. The Academy also facilitates provision for vulnerable young people including those that have an EHCP.

We are proud to be developing as a trauma informed provision and are fully committed to understanding each individual child and responding to their needs to help shape their future. We offer a curriculum that is as broad and balanced as possible and one that provides an element of choice underpinned by a strong core. This enables us to prepare learners for a return to mainstream without compromising on potential outcomes for those who complete their examinations here.

We are committed to providing an environment that supports strong progress; addressing both social and learning deficits to prepare learners for Post 16 pathways, either at college, in apprenticeships or work and through community cohesion. We seek to support learners in developing their interpersonal skills, attributes and traits that will support them in the wider world. We believe in personal development and the benefits of enrichment activities to widen life experiences and promote a love for learning. To enable this, we have developed a strong pastoral support team who work hard to ensure learners are prepared to take on the challenges of adult life. We believe that with no script for life, there are no mistakes, only lessons.

In addition to the work of our Academy we deliver excellent early intervention and school support at our Managed Intervention Centre and through the Primary Intervention Team.

If you decide to place your young person within our care, I can assure you that the current team and I are committed to ensuring that the learners in our school get the best educational offer and opportunities that suitably prepare them for further education or the world of work.

We believe it is crucial to involve the children, their families and supporting networks as partners in their education. We look forward to welcoming your student here and endeavour to build a whole school community, which thrives on mutual respect and values positive relationships. As principal, I strive to maintain the Ormiston Latimer Academy reputation as an exciting, happy and successful school. I am very proud of the culture and community we have developed which seeks to hold students in mind through what can arguably be the most challenging period of their young lives.

“Staff have high expectations of what pupils can do and achieve. Leaders have designed a curriculum which prepares pupils for life beyond this school. Pupils gain meaningful qualifications. They are well supported to move on to their next stage of education or work, or return to mainstream schooling”.

Ofsted, 2021.